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Legal and technical translations Jutta Kreienbaum
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Legal and Technical Translation Services

More than words...

If you need a legal translation, technical translation services or a certified translation of official instruments, deeds and public documents, I will be glad to assist you! The services you require belong to my main fields of activity since 1987. As a specialised legal and technical translator with the working languages German, English and French, I am perfectly familiar with numerous fields of knowledge, both, in the sector of law and engineering. This is why I am fully aware of the numerous snares and pitfalls to be mastered when translating contracts, agreements and other legal texts or technical documentation. All those aids offered to us by software, tools and the internet will only be of value, if used by a competent translator capable of making the correct distinctions and differentiations, that even the most expensive software cannot make. Without human translator, no software can decide, whether in the English translation, the German term "Leiter" has to be rendered by "head" (in the sense of a 'divisional head') or rather by "ladder" (as a means of access) or by "conductor" (used in electrics).

Work-station in the translation office Jutta Kreienbaum
Translation office Jutta Kreienbaum on the first floor

Technical Translation Services

Excellent technical translations require much more than a mere word-for-word rendition! The prerequisite is a thorough understanding of the objective relations and contents on the part of the translator, so as to render them accurately in the target language. This is exactly where the wheat separates from the chaff, and where considerable quality differences are revealed in the results. What may perhaps still be acceptable for private use, is unusable for business and corporate purposes, as it would be highly detrimental to the corporate image, renown and the brand! This particularly applies to the translation of websites or publications intended for insiders!

For business and official purposes, it is generally a good idea to consult a professional translator, in order to ensure that the legal or technical context is correctly rendered into the target language without modifying the original meaning and content. This is the only way to guarantee that factual relations and statements in agreements and contracts, legal documents, law texts, operating instructions, service manuals and technical documentations are preserved without falsification, that misunderstandings and ambiguities are avoided and that the target group is addressed in adequate manner. This task can neither be managed by machine translation nor by an amateur with a working knowledge of the language but without professional linguistic background and experience. This is a job for professional translator with relevant specialisation!

Certified Translations

Certified Translations of public instruments, such as school-leaving certificates, testimonials, driving licences, court decisions, entries in the Commercial Register a.s.o. are of great importance. They often have financial, personal and commercial effects. This is why they may only be made by sworn translators, as the translation of such deeds and documents is as conclusive as the original!

If you need my assistance as a court translator or in connection with certified translations of documents for official use, I am looking forward to your inquiry, for it is my daily routine to apply the correct terminology and an adequate form of address of the respective target group. If you require further details, please ask for my brief profile.

To get a free-of-charge quotation, please feel free to send me your source text by e-mail to jk@uebersetzungen-kreienbaum.de. Of course, all your data and files submitted will be handled as confidential! If no order is placed by you, the files and data made available will be deleted after 6 months.

Contact: jk@uebersetzungen-kreienbaum.de               LLegal Notice
(c) Copyright 2024: Jutta Kreienbaum - All rights reserved.
The BDÜ is the German professional association of interpreters and translators
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